logotipo González Solís

Welcome to González Solís

We are an Accounting and Tax services firm with 45 years of experience and more than 120 collaborators in Monterrey, Mexico. We help all clients with their Mexican regulatory needs.

Doing Business in Monterrey

Regarded as one the most significant industrial clusters nation wide, the city’s geographic location at only 124 miles from the Mexico-US border, has turned Monterrey into a major hub for the manufacturing industry, such as steel, automotive, aerospace and electronics; with a skilled workforce and business friendly environment.
doing business in Monterrey Mexico
According to McKinsey & Company’s report:
"Building globally competitive cities:
The Key to Latin American growth"

“…our analysis also finds some examples of promising performance among the top cities. In Mexico, the technology cluster around the Monterrey System of Technology and Higher Education has strengthened collaboration between academia and business. More broadly, Monterrey’s per capita GDP grew 40 percent faster than Mexico’s between 1999 and 2009, and the city also has the lowest share of population living below the poverty line (4 percent) in the region.”

Monterrey is currently ranked among the ten richest cities in Latin America

Contact information
Jardín de San Jerónimo 109,
Nivel 18, Col. San Jerónimo,
C.P. 64640, Monterrey, N.L. México

+52 81 2763 9260

+52 81 8989 9772

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