Auditing and Assurance

Within our firm, we have partners with the experience to provide an independent assessment to identify the organization’s risks and communicate them across the organization so our clients can achieve their business objectives.

We offer the following audit services:

auditoría empresarial en monterrey

Financial Statement Audit:

Our auditors conduct audit planning, internal control and substantive testing, all in accordance with international established standards in order to assessing whether the statements under review provide a fair and materially correct representation of a business’ activity and financial position.

Statutory Audit for Income Tax Purposes:

When certain tresholds are met, companies in Mexico have the obligation to file a statutory tax report to the tax authorities for a specific calendar year, such report must be issued by an independent auditor.

Social Security and Payroll Audits

In Mexico both employees and employers pay federal social security contributions to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS by its initials in Spanish). Employers also pay federal contributions to the National Housing Fund for Workers (INFONAVIT by its initials in Spanish). Payroll taxes are levied by each State and paid by the Employer.

When some thresholds are met, employers must file a report to the social security authorities, our audits on the aforementioned contributions identify any differences or mistakes in the determination of such contributions.

Internal Audits

We work on behalf of management to help the organization mantaining accurate and timely financial reporting as well as data collection. We can help you to achieve operational efficiency and identify issues before they become a problem. Our internal audits include financial, operational, compliance, or for specific purposes.

auditing and assurance in monterrey mexico

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